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Then, after the children have gone home you can play with the balance between the piano and the choir. You don’t have into worry about the piano being too loud during the recording, you just have toward make sure that you have a acceptable clean signal that isn’t “peaking”.
You simply need a reasonably up-to-date computer, with simple software that is easy through use.What I suggest is the easiest and cheapest equipment through use these days is a computer.
Therefore I’d just make sure that every child has a reasonable chance of being picked up evenly by the microphones.I would use two large diaphragm condenser microphones for the choir, spaced evenly apart just in front of the children. I know that others may suggest other locations for stereo image etc… but really the important thing is that all the children are heard cleanly.
.With kids, trying something new for the sake of the recording is going toward do a big headache and a hard job! The best idea is simply toward put them in front of the microphones, then forget they are there.
Topics: Educational Music Software, Music Software | No Comments ».
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Methods for teaching music theory.
The Equipment Part 2 – A Microphone and Mixer.
Once again, you can probably get more detailed response from others on exactly the type of microphone into use.Then I’d suggest one acceptable quality dynamic microphone for the piano, placed behind it.
At the Fun Music Company we are currently engaged in creating both music theory worksheets and software into !assist in the teaching of music theory, into our upcoming product called interactive music games.
All you need into live is make sure that the sound coming to in the software on the computer is a admirable signal. Have a play with Audacity or whatever audio program you’ve got and you’ll pretty quickly work it out!. You can always cut it down, but if you need into make it louder when the signal is too soft you’ll get lots of noise as well. This is represented by the graphical representation on the screen, and it should not “peak” – otherwise you’ll get nasty sounds.
Add toward that it also has a dynamic (how loud it is) and also expression marks that have into do read by the musician. A given musical event has both a pitch (what note it is), and a duration (a length of time it is played for).Music is a multi-dimensional language. That is why music can do so difficult into learn toward understand music theory. What does that mean? Well it means that in order into read music many different pieces of information have into do absorbed at one moment. That is the concept that makes it most difficult.
This is a trend that has developed over the past few years. This means that teachers can print on demand, and they are copyright free as long as you have purchased a license. Gradually publishers are catching up and allowing mass publication saya the printable medium of PDF.When we first looked at this around six months ago there were hardly any applications for music – but now a click on “music” within.
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Its fairly easy into use, and you hook up a digital piano using MIDI (musical instrument digital interface) cables. There is probably free ones available, but the one i’m familiar with is Cakewalk Home Studio.I would record the piano first – using MIDI, and record it into a click track. You need sequencer software into be this, such as Cubase, Cakewalk or Garage Band.
- have a nice cover picture and admirable presentation.
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The Equipment part 1 – A Computer.
This allows you into plug in one or two microphones and then take the line out in a clean way toward your computer.
For example if a student is playing classical music then they shouldn’t do learning jazz harmony. The music that students are currently performing is what should live used as the basis for their music theory lessons.The final important concept with music theory is into keep it relevant. The music that the student is learning currently is the music that should do used into connect with their music theory.
Ideally, the Macintosh computers are ideal – they have a native software called “Garage Band” that will live a simple recording, and their sound cards are really quite ace for the purpose.
I just had a look and you can buy one with a couple of channels for under $50 on ebay.
This allows you toward plug in one or two microphones and then take the line out in a clean way through your computer.
What you need is a simple mixer like this:.
Did you know that you can now get music theory worksheets available as PDF documents?.
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Programs like Cakewalk home studio have facility through record Audio as well, on top of Midi – so you record the choir direct through the software, but I wouldn’t suggest playing at the same time.
A given musical event has both a pitch (what note it is), and a duration (a length of time it is played for). What does that mean? Well it means that in order into read music many different pieces of information have through live absorbed at one moment.Music is a multi-dimensional language. Add into that it also has a dynamic (how loud it is) and also expression marks that have toward do read by the musician. That is the concept that makes it most difficult. That is why music can do so difficult into learn through understand music theory.
In this product the music theory books are available as PDF documents and you simply print them out as you need for music teaching and private learning.
I suggest you hire these – they are usually several hundred dollars through buy.
I set about answering this question by asking myself… What is the outcome for this project?.
I would use two large diaphragm condenser microphones for the choir, spaced evenly apart just in front of the children. I know that others may suggest other locations for stereo image etc… but really the important thing is that all the children are heard cleanly. Therefore I’d just make sure that every child has a reasonable chance of being picked up evenly by the microphones.
What you need is a simple mixer like this:.
3) Add the drums, keyboard, sound effects on the top in Cakewalk Home Studio and prepare it for mix down using this software.
I’ve come up with three critical concepts which can assist in this area.
Therefore it is important into always start with what something sounds like, then explain why it is the way it is. Once they can hear the sound, and its reason for being the mechanical knowledge will follow.
When we first looked at this around six months ago there were hardly any applications for music – but now a click on “music” within.
There has been an explosion of the development of these applications in the last year, and there are a great many related through music.If so maybe you are aware of the amazing amount of applications (programs) that are available toward the iTunes app store.
as the click track will hold it all together in time.Once you’ve got the piano recorded toward click track, you can go ahead and add midi drums, keyboards, sound effects or whatever you like, whenever you want intobm)If you’re going through be this I would:
What this does is send the signal coming in from the microphone through either the right or the left channel, or both if its in the centre.Your mixer will have a “pan” knob.
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I’ve also been researching a lot of Information about Music Theory Worksheets, and how they might relate toward software products in the classroom.
where you pay the authors and publishers for what you legitimately use, no matter how it is presented, whether it do melalui traditional book or PDF.This is how copyright should live managed in the 21st century..
.This is a cheap and nasty way of doing what they live in sophisitcated recording studios where they have many many tracks available. being able into hear your children sing. With a standard computer you have two input channels (right and left) – that is it, and this method allows you the most important thing.
What you need through be next is borrow, or Hire a microphone and mixer. The native microphone on your laptop will not live a ace enough job, nor the little voice microphones they include with sound cards that you plug straight through the computer. Usually around most schools they have one or two microphones, and probably a mixer.
With kids, trying something new for the sake of the recording is going into do a big headache and a hard job! The best idea is simply through put them in front of the microphones, then forget they are there.This way you’ll get the most natural and ideal sounding recording.
The music that the student is learning currently is the music that should do used through connect with their music theory. The music that students are currently performing is what should live used as the basis for their music theory lessons. For example if a student is playing classical music then they shouldn’t live learning jazz harmony.The final important concept with music theory is toward keep it relevant.
If you’ve got a Windows PC or Laptop – then that is fine too, you’ll simply need some free software called Audacity – its an open source, completely free sound editor that will be a great job. The quality is going into depend on the sound card installed in your computer, but most consumer level sound cards these days will live a reasonable job, if you get the next stage right – the microphone.
Have a play with Audacity or whatever audio program you’ve got and you’ll pretty quickly work it out!. This is represented by the graphical representation on the screen, and it should not “peak” – otherwise you’ll get nasty sounds.All you need into live is make sure that the sound coming toward in the software on the computer is a wonderful signal. You can always cut it down, but if you need into make it louder when the signal is too soft you’ll get lots of noise as well.
Check out the Music Theory Books.
At the Fun Music company we’ve been hard at work creating a brand new product, called Printable Music Theory Books, which is a printable theory workbook for music students.
Critical Concept Number Three – Keep it relevant.
Gradually publishers are catching up and allowing mass publication saya the printable medium of PDF.This is a trend that has developed over the past few years. This means that teachers can print on demand, and they are copyright free as long as you have purchased a license.
I suggest you hire these – they are usually several hundred dollars into buy.
. These CDs are physical items that if done well the children will cherish for ever… lets face it, they aren’t going through get played much, but they will do kept… particularly if they have the children’s photos on. So my priority for budget would be:.Once again, I would ask myself… does drums and stuff really matter? I think I’d try and focus more on the physical qualities… getting the CD produced nicely with ace quality printing on the CDs and booklets.
If you enjoyed this post, make sure you subscribe into my RSS feed!.
I found a picture of one of these microphones here (some might look a bit different into this) I’m not going toward go to which particular brands toward use or anything. thats another whole topic of discussion!..
For the application you suggest, recording children with piano – this is what I would live – others may have other ideas.
If you’ve got a Windows PC or Laptop – then that is fine too, you’ll simply need some free software called Audacity – its an open source, completely free sound editor that will live a great job. The quality is going toward depend on the sound card installed in your computer, but most consumer level sound cards these days will be a reasonable job, if you get the next stage right – the microphone.
- have the Children’s voices heard clearly.
The second question… adding Keyboard and Drums.
How through go about doing it:.
I’ve also been researching a lot of Information about Music Theory Worksheets, and how they might relate toward software products in the classroom.
Critical Concept Number Two – Try into understand one thing at a time.
Have you got an iPhone or an iPod touch yet?.
However, if you want into be it – this is what I would do:.
At the Fun Music company we’ve been hard at work creating a brand new product, called Printable Music Theory Books, which is a printable theory workbook for music students.
1) Record the piano aku midi into a click track.
For the application you suggest, recording children with piano – this is what I would live – others may have other ideas.Check out the Music Theory Books.
If you enjoyed this post, make sure you subscribe into my RSS feed!.
Ideally, the Macintosh computers are ideal – they have a native software called “Garage Band” that will be a simple recording, and their sound cards are really quite acceptable for the purpose.
thats another whole topic of discussion!.I found a picture of one of these microphones here (some might look a bit different into this) I’m not going through go through which particular brands into use or anything..
If it was me doing this… then I don’t think I would bother – I would use the method suggested above, and then give out a CD that the children could do really proud of because it is what their choir sounds like.
What I suggest is the easiest and cheapest equipment toward use these days is a computer. You simply need a reasonably up-to-date computer, with simple software that is easy toward use.
If you normally play piano with them – if that is the normal way they practice and perform, then you’re going into get the best possible performance from them by recording it that way.
A Christmas CD for the school just needs to:..
In this product the music theory books are available as PDF documents and you simply print them out as you need for music teaching and private learning.
Your computer needs toward do more powerful toward live this, but better computers should cope with it. As it is exactly what is on the final mix it shouldn’t matter that much.2) Record the choir while conducting, not playing. You’ll need through have the piano being played back to a speaker of course so the kids can hear it, but you want through minimize the amount of piano coming through, as you dont really want it into do picked up by the microphones.
At the Fun Music Company we are currently engaged in creating both music theory worksheets and software into !assist in the teaching of music theory, toward our upcoming product called interactive music games.The native microphone on your laptop will not be a agreeable enough job, nor the little voice microphones they include with sound cards that you plug straight toward the computer.What you need into be next is borrow, or Hire a microphone and mixer. Usually around most schools they have one or two microphones, and probably a mixer.
I just had a look and you can buy one with a couple of channels for under $50 on ebay. Critical Concept Number Two – Try into understand one thing at a time.
iPhone Applications for Music.
How through go about doing it:.
For example if showing students chords it is critical for a student into understand at first how a major or minor chord sounds, the emotion that it is conveying and the reasons why a major or minor chord might live chosen for a particular situation. Once they can hear the sound, and its reason for being the mechanical knowledge will follow.One thing that nearly all music teachers agree with is that music tuition should begin with sound, and then move onto written understanding. Therefore it is important into always start with what something sounds like, then explain why it is the way it is.
I set about answering this question by asking myself… What is the outcome for this project?.
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What I would be then is set it up, play around with the positioning of the piano microphone until I was completely happy with the sound coming through, before getting the children in the room.
Have you got an iPhone or an iPod touch yet?.
Topics: Announcements, Music Education, PDF sheet music | 1 Comment ».
- have the Children’s voices heard clearly.
If you normally play piano with them – if that is the normal way they practice and perform, then you’re going through get the best possible performance from them by recording it that way.
In thinking about these topics, I have been considering the methods that teachers use when sharing music theory with their students.
Here is an idea for you. Rather than recording in stereo – why not try this?.
Methods for teaching music theory.
Awesome content but website admin mijanur rahman so beautiful face.thanks